Colonial passport
Rare Fiji Colony travel document from 1946....
And a brief biography of a diplomat. September 18th 1931 was a crucial date in the history of modern China. From this month onwards, starting with Asia and ending with Europe, events would spiral from a regional conflict into a world war. The above mentioned date marks the Japanese invasion of North-Eastern China, a region known as Manchuria (a point needs to be made here: prior to the invasion, the Japanese had an enclave in the Dalian peninsula, Port Arthur, called Guan Dong Zhou Ting...
WW2 JAFP stationed in Istanbul. One of the last remaining safe-havens for those in Europe by the mid-1940's and located close to the continent was the neutral country of Turkey, bordering with Bulgaria. ...
1944 travel document for an official traveling to the Middle East on refugee matters. Special US passport that was issued in the United States for a member of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration organization during its first year of operation. The passport in this article here is a good sample that relates to the early days of the UN and its handling of refugees during the war. The passport was used, on specific sea, air & land routes that were safe and available...
1922 Polish passport hand signed by NKVD would-be chief Genrikh Yagoda. Though not one of the first to appear from this young independent republic, formed after World War One, it has its appealing features. The passport was issued at the relatively new Polish consulate in Moscow, USSR, which was established following the Riga Treaty of March 1921. Formal relations were established on April 27, followed by the opening of diplomatic missions in...
Passport used to smuggle to Israel its first fighter planes. Yitzhak Efraim Henenson was one of the county’s early pilots, taking part in some of the decisive battles following the delectation of Independence; before and after. The passport here is a fascinating addition to ones collection of military air force and or early Israeliana 1948-1950...