Special temporary travel document
By the end of 1943 the war was taking its toll on the axis and the inevitable ending was becoming clearer by the day as the fog and mist was evaporating, allowing the sun light ...
Issued to an official war correspondent with Mihai Antonescu's signature. The item here is interesting and a rarity when it comes to passport collecting. Issued in Bucharest on May 27th 1942 to Livin Valerin Martin, who was an official correspondent for the Romanian National News Agency; known at the time as Rador. The agency was established in 1889 and was called the Telegraphic Agency of Romania and has gone through various changes, both in name and in st...
Commandement des Troupes alliées à Odessa – Le Général Commandant. A stunning connection to current events in Europe…a passport issued back in 1919 and used to escape Odessa, a city that was under occupation and ravaged by conflict and unrest…...
Participant’s passport. 1950 issued US passport that was used to attend a “Car Rally”, taking the holder to various African states: Starting with Nigeria, then continuing to Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika, Northern Rhodesia, and South Africa with the last stop at Cape Town, at the tip of the Cape of Good Hope. ...
Early 1947 travel document issued by Elpidio Quirino. The Philippines have a very long and rich history. From being a Colony in the past, the Philippines finally reached independence in the mid-20th century, but only after going through a brutal Japanese occupation that brought suffering and pain to its p...
Very early German visa for Austria. One of the significant pre-war events of Nazi Germany was the occupation of Austria, known as the Anschluss. This act was another signal that peace in Europe would not last and alarm bells rang off in Europe. ...
Visa issued inside a British Palestine passport. The Manchurian Imperial State (满洲帝国) was established or proclaimed as a state in 1932 after the Japanese invaded the territory on September 18th 1931 in what was then part of north-eastern China known also as "Dong Bei" (东北). The Manchurian state did not open diplomatic missions in every country. Not many approved or recognize...
German-Soviet pre-1933 cooperation. Before Adolf Hitler came to power in January of 1933, the Soviet Union and Germany had a rich cooperation that began in the 1920's. After WWI both countries were practically in ruins and devastated economically. T...