Very unusual and historically important 1934 German passport. Julius Hamburger applied for the standard German passport and it was issued to him on November 7th, 1934, at Hanau. ...
Former Roosevelt Government official. SP number 24041 was issued to him on the capacity of being the "Administrator of rural electrification administration (REA), department of agriculture, is proceeding abroad on official business"....
A Polish Jew's passport used to escape to freedom. The remarkable story of Denmark during World War Two and its courageous help it gave its Jewish population is an unforgettable event of that horrific war. From all the countries in Europe, Denmark’s Jewish community suffered the least in comparison to other commu...
Israel's "first" travel permits for overseas. The document here was most likely printed around April or May of 1948 and was meant to be used as a travel document or together with a passport (British or foreign) for leaving the Mandate during the interim period that existed between the time the British left and the State of Israel came to being with an official governing entit...
1943 German Diplomatenpass. During World War Two thousands of Diplomatic & Service passports where issued by all sides: The Allies, Axis and Neutral countries sent their officials on countless trips throughout the world, be it in areas of conflict or relative calm. It is nearly impossible to learn about each trip ...
US diplomatic mission in Spain. A lovely early Americana official State Department related circular. The document was hand written and signed by US senior diplomat to Spain George W. Erving (1769-1850). His posting to Madrid, as Chargי d'Affaires (the ‘ambassador’ was James Bowdoin III), started in 1804 and lasted to 1809. Later ...