Mauritius internees
Another Jewish refugee related passport....
This is part of World War Two that is not known to many. Like most nations, each country decides to focus on the section of history that glorifies or enhances its role in the Great War: The contribution of its people, its soldiers, to the war effort which culminated in the victory in May and September...
Issued in 1936 for official consular service in Nazi Germany. Warsaw issued to a consulate official named Alfred Matuszewski – who was stationed at the Polish consulate at Schneidemuhl (Polish named Piła) close to the German-Polish border. Before 1945 the town was in German territory. The passport was ...
New Second Republic issued document. One of the major outcomes of the First World War was the transformation it had on the old world order and the changes it brought: The world that entered into that war back in 1914 was not the same one when it ended in 1918. Most si...