1951 early Fremdenpass
One of the earliest West German issues for foreigners. Fremdenpass numbered 185/51 was issued to Dr. Heinrich krau aged 46 who was classified by then as being stateless. The travel document was issued ...
The various forms used during the war. During the period of the occupation, the various French diplomatic missions and legations throughout the Allied and neutral countries went through several changes in their definition and ...
US Navy officer serving in the Far East. Official passport issued on February 7th 1956 at Manila, Philippines, to naval officer ranked Lieutenant Commander (LCDR) named William Augustus Wheless, based at the Naval Station Sangley Point....
1939 German J stamped passport. Much has been written and documented about these infamous German issued special passports for its citizens, though some for 'undetermined status' holders also received the J stamped passports between 1938 to 1941 (around O...