The Spiegel family saga
Internment at Mauritius Island during the war. This is the story of a Jewish family that was caught in Austria of 1938, following Hitler's ...
WW2 civilian internment camp. Even though the items in this article cannot be classified as travel documents, they are important and interesting enough to add images of them and explore the story behind them. During the war, each side, be it allied or axis, established...
German Affairs Commission in Shanghai. The German's status situation in China after World War Two was not a simple clean cut case. During the final and decisive year of 1945, there are two periods of time that effected the status of the German nationals, followed...
1938 Czech passport used to travel to the Far East. Much has been written and told about the courageous and extra ordinary Japanese individual Chiune Sempo Sugihara, when acting as Japanese consul to Lithuania in the years 1939-1940, issued close to 2,400 lifesaving visas; visas...
Interesting German official passport used by Foreign Office interpreter and French law expert, Dr. Fritz Nordern, who was born to a Jewish family on March 19, 1881 in Leipzig and passed away on June 28, 1932 in Geneva ...
1944 issued passport for escaping to Palestine. This is truly an amazing part of World War Two that not many are familiar with. Much has been written about the war and Holocaust with regards to western occupied Europe, Poland and the eastern states overrun in...
Polish refugee to whom a Sugihara life-saving visa was issued the previous year. 1941 marked a turning point in the escalation of the war in Europe and also at the other side of the world – in Asia. This was the year that can be...
Escaping occupation to freedom…1939 was one of the most important years of the 20th Century. In that year alone the world’s fate and destiny changed forever: starting with the complete occupation of Czechoslovakia, Memel territory, Ribbentrop-Molotov pact and the outbreak of World War T...