Diplomatic Identity Card
Issued to diplomats while serving abroad. Though not a passport, these types of documents were used by diplomats while stationed and serving abroad. Th...
Up to the end of 1941, the United States was not at war but a neutral power. Prior to Pearl Harbor the US enacted the Neutrality Act of 1939, on November 4th, following the German invasion of Poland the Britain with France declaring war on...
A diplomat who did the right thing. By now we are all familiar with the Righteous among the Nations, those individuals who put their life at risk and issued all the assistance possible, at the time, in order to do the right thing, showed us...
and with a connection to the Mozambique exchange of Allied and Enemy personnel. It’s not every day that one can admire a visa placed inside a passport. The image here is of a Japanese visa that was issued in Nazi Germany, hand written visa and...
1942 Kunming issued military ID. The conflict in the Far East had several important fronts and areas of battle. One important location was the region between British India and Western China, still under National Government control, and Japanese occupied Burma, which saw some of t...
Austrian first attempts of issuing ID's & travel documents. Austria was under German occupation from March 1938 to April 1945. The German take-over of the small country is termed as the Anschluss, and once under Nazi control, the Jews suffered the worst vile anti-Semitism since...