1932 Polish travel ID - Our Passports
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  • 1932 Polish travel-permit. - MOSCOW
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1932 Polish travel ID


Consular issue from the USSR.


The document here is an interesting example for a travel paper issued “Au lieu” of a passport, meaning that the holder here was not issued a passport but a substitute acting as one, for the sole purpose of a single entry into the Polish Republic, and in this case, it was issued at the diplomatic mission in Moscow, 1932, by Tadeusz Blaszkiewicz, who was already active in the USSR. What caught my attention, and contributing to the importance of this document, was the additional signature at the bottom of the document, that of Witold Okoński, who according to online records was placed at the diplomatic mission at Minsk from 1935-39 and later was transferred to Tehran around 1941 and remained in Iran until the end of the war (becoming chargé d’affaires in June of 1945). He was the official at the consular department at the Polish diplomatic mission there who greeted the refugees that arrived from the USSR in 1942 and issued them consular travel documents and refugee related material. These documents assisted many to leave and find refugee abroad, such as British Palestine, Australia, Canada, the US and also the UK.


Have added several images.



Thank you for reading “Our Passports”.

Neil Kaplan
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